Sunday, April 13, 2008

HW #3 - 50%

Here is my setup and 50% for our third homework assignment. This assignment requires a reflective object and a patterned object. I kind of like these 50% pieces - they have an impressionistic quality that the finished pieces sometimes lack.

I'm trying for some different things in this painting. One is to make it very high key (light), versus the darker paintings I normally do. Another is to use more of the canvas. And I wanted to try for the cool light / warm shadows you might find in morning light, versus the warm light / cool shadows we normally use.

If you look very carefully in the reflection you can see me holding a camera. :) Fortunately I am fully clothed. I edited myself out of the painting, otherwise it would technically become a self-portrait. :)


Anonymous said...

Love it. But what happened to the reindeer on the mug? :)

Ryan F said...

I was wondering if people would catch that. :) The reindeer mug is the 'patterned' object. However the white part needs to be done before I can paint on the pattern, otherwise it will all smush together ("smush" being the technical term). I'll probably end up doing the reindeer last.