Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Oops I Did It Again

I was staring at my Audrey Hepburn portrait for the longest time because something didn't quite look right. I finally realized that it just needed to be darker! This surprised me because I was very conscious of making it dark, and the values matched the photos. But the darker version looks MUCH better. Actually I'm very happy with this now. I also make a few changes to the hair based on some comments by my coworkers. Thanks coworkers!

Note to self: I found out it's possible to work over an acrylic coating. However because the acrylic coating goes on in rather thick drops, it ends up making the texture very speckly. I think it's much better to use workable fixative until I'm totally sure it's done, then final coat with the acrylic.


PQ said...

Hi Ryan,

AR had directed me to your blog. I think it's exciting to view an artist in the making. Hope you don't mind I am leaving you a message.

I like your work thus far. As for your Audrey Hepburn portrait, I do like the darker version better than the original one. An unsolicited feedback. ;)

Ryan F said...

Hey thanks for leaving a comment! My other friends never do. :( Yes the revised one is much better - it's amazing how much difference a small change can make. My prof liked it a lot better as well and upgraded my grade. It's better in person - you guys will have to stop by when you are in the area.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Audrey Hepburn is pretty.