Monday, March 10, 2008


The painting on the left is our first attempt at glass. I still love still-life painting, but glass is hard! But it turned out reasonably well, especially the jar on the left. However I think the blue and the red are a bit too saturated and are sort of overpowering the glass objects. Probably I could have toned down at least the red cup, if not both.

The painting on the right, I did for a class I took in Palo Alto in the spring of 2007 before applying to the Academy of Art, so it makes an interesting comparison. I used mostly tube colors instead of mixed colors, and the rendering of the grapes and the glass is much more primitive than what I can do today. But this painting was probably the biggest factor in my going to art school. From that class, it was the only painting that I thought turned out okay, and I enjoyed it enough to give art school a shot. If not for this painting I might still be at Yahoo trying to figure out how to allocate video spaceids. Fortunately that task has passed into more capable hands!


Anonymous said...

hahaha, NICE. i need to learn painting. :(

tirto said...

after close inspection of the left painting, i learned to appreciate the red mug reflection on the glass. nice work!

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes are you talking about the shifting of the handle by refraction? My professor liked that. :) Also, does EVERYONE need to sign using just their initials? Who started that?!?


PQ said...

I have always been pq. :D

Hm... I like the painting on the right better. I agree that the red and blue on the left painting is a bit much for contrast to the "clear glasses". I prefer a painting with a theme and have objects that are consistent to that theme. Glasses and mug don't really belong to the same theme. I do love the refraction of the red mug. Pretty cool effect.

Ryan F said...

Ah, wine & grapes. :) Funny I never noticed that connection before.